Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 9. Monday Sept 8

Paris to Troyes.

Distance: 159 km
Time: 7 hrs 41 min.
Speed: 20.3 km/hr
Distance so far: 1314 km.
AHR: 114 b/ min
Feet climbed today: 2104 ft.
Punctures: 1.

Weather: Dry all day. Very warm in late afternoon...31 deg. Wind from NE was a disadvantage.

In my hotel I was up early (5.15) and had all packed and ready for breakfast shortly after 6 in a sister hotel around the corner with the dining room in a cellar. Had a good hearty continental breakfast and prepared two rolls for lunch and a boiled egg.
Paris streets were busy already. Especially around Gare du Nord. Washers were out spraying the streets and footpaths.
Because I stayed in near Gare du Nord last night I had an extra 20 km to do today. Still, I think it was worth it.
I had my map and cue sheet ready to get out to the south-east corner of the city. My route took me by Place de la Bastille with its column and the Opera Bastille in the background. Paris was quickLy coming to life but I found it easy to navigate and deal with the traffic.
I arrived at the point where the Seine and the Marne join up. The Marne comes in on the left and the Seine on the right. A kind gentleman (on a bicycle) when he saw me consulting my map at this point suggested the better way to cross the Marne and pick up my road. Also the kindness of people towards the cycling tourist was evident as I was heading towards the ramp onto an Autoroute (motorway). At first I thought the bus driver was saying “Ah, Cyclists” in exasperation but in fact he was just reminding me that “No cyclists” were allowed there. Later in the day I had good humoured shouts ( I think) from road workers when I got out into the country side. A benefit of touring by bike.
Exactly after 20 km I passed the hotel that I had booked for last night.
I had cycled 30 km by the time I had cleared the Greater Paris Area and saw an open field just near Santaney. I did feel a bit relieved at that point.
For the morning I was cycling straight into the sun...a change fron the previous 3 days. And the sun was warming up. The forecast was for 16 deg in the morning in Paris and 25 deg in Troyes in the afternoon. In fact it was 21 deg in Mormant at 10 am got and I saw 31deg written up just before the end of the day. At least It would assist in the drying of the washed gear.
So I was back on solo mode again. I was “Alone all alone”. I fact I sang a few bars to myself. I could set my own pace...that can be an advantage or a disadvantage. I neither received or gave any hand signals. Cycling solo means that you think more about safety, about traffic and about navigation. I did make a few short wrong turns, but even the best navigators do that !!!
The day’s route was flatter than the last three but still I had a few long ones to satisfy my cravings! Generally they were just 1% or 2%. The road was quiet till I came close to Troyes but it felt safe. once I picked up that road on the edge of Paris, I was on it for the day.
Industrial and agricultural activity along the way. All grain was gone but potatoes were being lifted and taken in. The fields stretched away into the distance on both sides.
Then, I had puncture No 1 today around the 70 km mark.I think it is just a pinch flat from going on and off the cycle paths in Paris. In 20 mins I was on the move again with a new tube in. 
I pulled into Provins hoping to locate a bike shop to give the wheel a good blast with a track pump. Didn’t locate one but everything was closed anyhow...lunch time.
Provins is now a quiet town having been bypassed by the new road. Streets showed architecture from times past. Provins has always had a great reputation for lace-work from medieval times.
Had lunch at Romilly sur Seine with a bit of class. Also crossed the Seine a little earlier as it wanders about before entering Paris.
Had no problem locating the hotel for tonight and was glad to have a shower and lie down for a spell before going to nearby Boucherie Restaurant. Didn’t feel like going too far and I also wanted it served up quick. Really felt nourished after my meat dish.
Shortly, I’ll have a look at that tube and repair it and then turn in early for a deserved rest. i’m getting there.

Thank God for the health and for the energy.

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